I'll start with the one I finished first and I'm sad to say that I didn't like it as much as I was hoping to. Maybe my hopes we too high because of how much I loved "Fish in a Tree", but this book didn't come together for me like Fish did. I found it slow at points and it took me a while to even get into it. I loved some parts of it, but could have done without as much of the detailed fishing/clamming explanations. I know those things are part of where they're living, but it was a bit too much for me.
I think it took me a long time to care about the main character... too long. I loved all the connections she had with people, but at times, maybe it seemed like there were too many people? I think I grew to really like the Ronan character before I did Delsie. I will say that the author's notes as the end of the book brought some things together for me that even the ending of the book didn't.
This is the post she made with some hints if you want to see as well: https://lyndamullalyhunt.wordpress.com/2019/05/07/anagram-hints-for-shouting-at-the-rain-and-some-other-cool-name-stuff/
I ended up giving this a 3.5 out of 5 as far as stars go!

Will let you know what I think!
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Heidrich