I sure am enjoying the first week of my summer holidays and I have definitely been busy reading! I'm really savouring the time I have to slow down a bit and enjoy the stories I'm reading. I started and finished a book yesterday

Though I didn't read this in one sitting, I think I did read it over 2 days and it was really, really good! I love that it's based on a true story and there is information about the real wolf at the end of the story along with some general information about wolves and resources for further information as well.
The story is about a wolf called Swift that is part of a pack, but get separated from them and has to try to survive on his own. He deals with all kinds of adventure and faces all kinds of challenges. Through the story, you end up learning a lot about wolves, their habitat and way of life just from the way the story is written! So enjoyable! Read it!

Now, I am adding this here as I read it in one sitting last night and it was excellent (for me), but it's a YOUNG ADULT novel and not for younger kids. It's possible that some students going into high school might be ready for this this, so I'd adding it here as an option too.
This was written by Australian siblings and while I know this won't be for everyone, I LOVED it! It's told from the point of view of a couple of characters and one of them writes in verse, so that will put some people off I'd imagine. This was simply a story I couldn't put down and was just wanting to see what happened and how it would all come together. Amazing! It's a book I'd like to go back and reread now that I know what happened because I'm pretty sure some thing would make more sense or I would see them differently reading and knowing the ending of the story.

And if you're ever looking for a place to check out book reviews if you're not sure something is right for you, you might want to check out Common Sense Media. They do book reviews as well as movie reviews! They give you information about all kinds of things related to books you might want to read) like...
There are also written reviews from the people on the site as well as parents and kids themselves. This is a great resource!
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Heidrich